
Sell at Kvdcars


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Frequently asked questions and answers

Here we’ve gathered answers to our most common questions regarding claims from consumers with Kvdcars:

  • What faults can Kvdbil remedy under a claim?

  • Who covers the cost of a diagnosis?

  • Claims apply to hidden faults

  • Can I cancel my purchase?

  • Do you use new or used parts in repairs?

  • Who covers my expenses, and what’s included?

  • What are the phone hours for your claims department?

  • How do I file a claim?

What faults can Kvdbil remedy under a claim?

To file a claim, there must be a legally recognized fault with the item. A legitimate fault generally means the issue deviates from what’s normal for the item, given its age, mileage, or the expected condition based on its price, or from what you as a customer might expect based on Kvdcars' description or photos provided.

If something is easily visible in the photos or when picking up the item, it’s unlikely to be considered a hidden fault, which is one of the main conditions for a valid claim. If the issue doesn’t deviate from normal wear for the item, it’s likely considered standard wear and not eligible for a claim.

A used item can have defects without it constituting a legitimate fault. Kvdcars aims to describe any notable issues with items for our customers, even those that may not constitute a legitimate fault. If an issue is overlooked in the description, this doesn’t automatically make it eligible for compensation.

Who covers the cost of a diagnosis?

To better understand an issue or its cause, a diagnostic check is usually necessary. Most often, diagnostics are done by a repair shop, and it’s always the vehicle owner’s responsibility to schedule it.

Kvdcars may recommend diagnostics during a claims process, but this doesn’t mean Kvdcars will automatically cover it. Once the issue and its cause are clarified, Kvdcars can determine who is responsible. If no fault is found, or if the shop finds it relates to an issue previously described by Kvdcars, the vehicle owner may be responsible for the diagnostic cost. Our claims handlers aim to consider the need for a diagnostic to avoid unnecessary costs.

Claims apply to hidden faults

If a defect or issue is noticed at the time of purchase or collection, it should be addressed immediately. A condition for a valid claim is that the fault should be “hidden,” meaning you couldn’t (or shouldn’t) have known about it when the item was purchased. Any issues identified on-site should be addressed with our staff before leaving the facility and finalizing the purchase.

Sometimes signs of faults are hard to identify at the time. Our colleagues will note if they could not confirm a fault, which our claims department will consider in subsequent handling.

Can I cancel my purchase?

Under the Distance Selling Act (2005:59), Kvdcars offers a 14-day cancellation policy for items purchased and delivered directly to you (our home delivery service).

If you collected the item from one of our facilities, the purchase is not covered by this cancellation right. This means that if you ordered transport to our nearest facility and picked up the item there, the purchase is not covered by the Distance Selling Act.

Do you use new or used parts in repairs?

As the seller, Kvdcars is responsible for restoring the vehicle to the condition stated in the listing on kvdcars.com at the time of purchase if the fault is legitimate. Kvdcars requests that repair shops use used parts where appropriate.

Kvdcars, like insurance companies, will not use parts that are substantially older or have a longer mileage than your vehicle.

If you prefer the repair shop to install new parts, you may need to contribute to the repair cost. New parts come with extended warranties, both for the work and the part, which offers a more secure future ownership. If you would like advice on whether it’s worth using new parts, you can consult Kvdcars' claims handler or ask the repair shop directly.

Who covers my expenses, and what’s included?

It can sometimes be difficult to determine whether an issue constitutes a legitimate fault until a repair shop has diagnosed it. You should be prepared for Kvdcars not to cover your expenses if the issue doesn’t qualify. Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep expenses as low as possible.

If you’ve claimed a legitimate fault, you have the right to have it remedied without cost. The buyer is expected to keep their expenses as low as reasonably possible and keep all receipts. For major expenses, Kvdcars should approve them before they occur.

Lost working hours and similar costs are not compensable. If other repairs/services are needed beyond the claimed fault, these can be approved if necessary to keep the vehicle functional and avoid higher expenses.

What are the phone hours for your claims department?

Our claims department is available by phone on weekdays from 09:00 to 12:00. Outside of these hours, we’re working on cases to provide responses to our customers as quickly as possible.

If you’re unable to call during regular hours, you can email us and request a call-back. Please specify if you prefer a specific time (between 08:00 and 17:00 on weekdays). We’ll do our best to call you then.

How do I file a claim?

To file a claim with Kvdcars, please send the following information to reklamation@kvdbil.se:

  • Licence plate or item number

  • When you noticed the issue(s)

  • A brief description of the issue(s)

  • Include photos if relevant (Please don’t link to cloud solutions or send .zip files)
