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Five unnecessary mistakes that wear out the car

26 August, 2022

Having the wrong tire pressure, neglecting the service or handling the gearbox in the wrong way are some of the most common mistakes many people make with their car. Ahead of this summer's car holiday, we have therefore compiled a list of common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Summer is just around the corner and many will soon hit the roads to get to their summer house, relatives and bathing spots. At the same time, many may forget to check the condition of the car. Below we list common mistakes and tips on solutions that extend both the holiday joy and the life of the car.

1. Incorrect tire pressure

Regularly checking the air pressure in car tires is a good start to reduce the risk of unnecessary wear. Both too low and too high pressure can wear out the tires. A pressure that is too low also increases the braking distance and fuel consumption, which makes driving both less safe and less economical. The recommended air pressure is usually stated in the car's owner's manual. If you don't have access to it, you can also look in the car's door frame for correct tire pressure!

2. Wrong car for your needs

If you drive a lot of short distances on a cold engine, it may in some cases be a good idea to avoid a diesel or petrol car. A car powered by fossil fuel does not do well from cold starts, which can instead result in damaged exhaust pipes and destroyed diesel particulate filters. Instead, invest in an electric car that is both environmentally friendly and better suited for shorter distances. Does that sound drastic? Drive longer distances from time to time and use an electric engine heater in winter to reduce the number of cold starts.

3. Irregular service

It may sound counterproductive to drop off the car at a garage to avoid high costs. But the fact is that regular service reduces the risk of sudden and unnecessarily expensive interventions. Returning the car to the garage once a year is a good rule of thumb. If you want to find out the service intervals for your particular car, it is usually stated in the accompanying service booklet.

4. Careless shifting

Overusing the clutch in a manual car can cause unnecessary wear. Avoid holding down the clutch when, for example, you are sitting in queues. Disengaging and using the brakes is much gentler on your car.

5. Tips for automatic transmission

Even automatic transmission cars benefit from careful handling of the gearbox. If your automatic car is heavily loaded, avoid creeping. Namely, there is a risk of wearing out the slats in the gearbox. If you end up in a traffic queue, you should instead leave a gap for the car in front and accelerate in batches.

An additional tip: do not leave your car in "Park" without applying the parking brake, this may result in having to repair or, in the worst case, replace the gearbox.

You brake too much or too little

Some brake too little, others too much.

  • Problem: Brakes too little/too softly. This can lead to the surface rust not disappearing, which in turn leads to the need to replace the brake discs.

    Solution: Drive according to the speed limit and do a controlled braking at least once every two weeks. In this way you maintain your brake discs.

  • Problem: Brakes too much/too hard. Heavy braking very often can also wear out the brakes.

    Solution: Plan your driving and renew your Ecodriving skills and you will see that the brake pads do not need to be replaced as often.

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